To prevent abstentionism from increasing due to out-of-town weekends, in Italy polling stations are open on Mondays as well, so that not a single one can’t find some time to cast their vote before going to work.
In Peru, however, getting to the polls on time to vote is more like an obstacle course.
For many Amazonian residents, voting means packing up and leaving for at least couple of days. Here, indeed, a poll cannot be opened for fewer than 200 voters: if you live in a remote village in the middle of the forest, you’ll probably have to reach the nearest center, which can be hours and hours away.
It would be better not to vote, if only there wasn’t an abstention fee from 18 to 72 soles (4 to 18 euros) to pay.
This reportage is made up of stories of voters forced to travel very long distances to cast their (mandatory) vote, through dense vegetation, river currents, wild beasts and dangerous insects.
In collaboration with Elena Montobbio
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