A person diagnosed with bipolar disorder may see red flags from their partner, too. When people get into a relationship, they’re looking for stability, says Scott Haltzman, MD. Haltzman is clinical assistant professor in the Brown University department of psychiatry and human behavior. He’s also medical director of NRI Community Services in Woonsocket, R.I. And author of The Secrets of Happily Married Men and The Secrets of Happily Married Women. He tells WebMD that bipolar disorder can seriously complicate a relationship. “The person, particularly if untreated, may be prone to changes in their mood, their personality, and their interactions that can threaten the consistency that is the framework of a relationship.”


Despite their uncontrollable behaviors sometimes, they can sustain a healthy relationship if given proper guidance and patience. Being in a healthy relationship with someone with bipolar disorder requires not only careful management of their illness, but also setting aside time to take good care of yourself. Bipolar disorder can affect a person’s ability to be intimate with their partner, work, pay https://hookupgenius.com/perfectmatch-review bills, and take care of their family. These issues can strain a relationship and cause a lot of tension if not properly addressed. Couples counseling offers a safe space where you and your partner can lay out these challenges and receive advice from a licensed therapist that can help to improve the situation. Of course, this is all best reviewed under the guidance of a mental health professional.

Living with a spouse who has bipolar disorder can be challenging. Engage in honest conversations about how you are affected and how you need support. No one is to blame for bipolar disorder, and spouses can learn to care for themselves and each other. Sometimes a marriage doesn’t work, and partners exhaust options that might help them reconcile.

After all, it is vital information that your partner should know, but it is also a very personal decision as to when you share it. Dr. Patel-Dunn agrees, and relates this revelation to introducing your partner to your friends and family. That is, you’ll want to ensure that you feel close enough and comfortable enough with the person you are dating to disclose these more personal details about your life. She also compares disclosing your diagnosis to sharing any other chronic medical condition that a person might have. For example, someone who has asthma and needs an inhaler would certainly want to share that potentially life-saving information with their partner.

Considering Your Spouse’s Feelings

Learn the difference between bipolar disorder vs. depression or borderline personality disorder vs. bipolar disorder. Learning which behaviors are normal for a loved one and which can indicate a shift in mood can be very helpful. This enables the partner of a person with bipolar disorder to distinguish usual behaviors from symptoms of bipolar disorder.

This is the first thing you should do when you start a relationship with someone who has bipolar disorder. Read about the condition so you understand what your partner is dealing with — and what you’ll be dealing with. “If your partner understands what’s going on, they are better able to love and support you in an emotionally healthy manner,” Dr. Cochran points out.

A romp in the sheets that is over within minutes and leaves you feeling unsatisfied is not a good sign. A guy who is only looking to make himself happy will consider you and afterthought, and after your time is over, he will leave your house and return to prowling the streets for someone new. If the guy you’re seeing is unwilling to take care of your needs, it could be a sign that he doesn’t see your relationship as serious, and you’re just one of the many women he’s currently seeing. But they can manage their thoughts and lead happy, healthy lives with effective treatment. Bipolar disorder can pose challenges within romantic relationships, especially when it causes obsessive thoughts about another person. Overcoming this symptom was necessary for the health and survival of my marriage.

You have to make sure that you are ready for it and if there comes a time where you’re not, you still have to be calm in handling the situation. Cyclothymia or Cyclothymic Disorder — is where the person suffers from numerous numbers of hypo-manic symptoms and depression that can last up to a year in children and up to 2 years for adults. Your partner’s best chance for managing their condition lies in following their treatment plan. You can show your support for them by helping them stick with the treatment plan created by their doctor.

But the guy who is keeping his options open will keep his social media accounts a big secret. Not all women will reject you because of your diagnosis. As long as you are stable and doing all you can to be healthy, there are people that are willing to accept you for you and not your diagnosis. If someone can’t accept that diagnosis, that is their loss. And if you’re not doing anything to help yourself/keep healthy, then you may not want to enter a relationship anyways. Usually it is them that calls things off because they don’t feel they deserve happiness.

Most of the time, bipolar couples have the capacity to know what the other person needs, thus the relationship gets smoother because communication is easier. There will always be a solution so it works out well for you both. So don’t dump your dude just because he has a mood disorder. You could end up having a relationship with an emotionally in tune man who is aware of self and talks openly and honestly about his feelings. First, it is important that the person you are dating is seeking out treatment for their mental illness, whether that is through medication and/or psychotherapy or group therapy. Whether you are managing your bipolar disorder or supporting someone living with it, it can successfully be built into day-to-day living.

“Sometimes, when people have been stable for a while, they’re sort of like, ‘Oh, I don’t think I need any of this anymore.’ Usually that’s a bad idea,” she said. Your partner stopping their treatments or medication could also be a cautionary sign for the future of the relationship. Also, as with any relationship, you should never feel that your partner is putting either you or themselves in danger.

This can prove to be highly confusing or stressful for their partner, who may not know what kind of behavior or reaction to expect. We all deserve privacy, and you can’t force someone to talk about something that they don’t want to talk about. But if the guy you’re dating is keeping secrets and hiding things from you, then this is definitely a sign that he’s holding back because he’s just not ready for that type of relationship. Chances are, he has more than a few women that he’s dating, and until he figures out which one he wants to get serious with, he will continue to keep his personal life to himself.

Bipolar disorder is a chronic condition, but you can still live a full life. Don’t be afraid to let someone love you and to love them back. “Many couples will attribute all the good to the personality and all the bad to the disorder. “The only time he was hospitalized was upon first diagnosis. I had been very worried about him, specifically that he was thinking about suicide or that he would do something extreme and get hurt. Being consistent with treatment is the best way to reduce symptoms, but which treatments work best may vary between individuals.