According to that study, the typical redditor’s penis is in the ballpark but have an above-average girth. Recently, Reddit users took a scientific approach to this ubiquitous concern by surveying 761 participants about not only their actual penis length and circumference but also their ideal, desired penis measurements. According to the charts, the average Reddit participant dingus is between six and seven inches long and five to six inches around. That matches pretty well to the typical schlong that female users desired, but men wanted partners sporting dicks measuring one inch longer than that, on average. To the relief of anxious teenage boys everywhere, the data reinforces Reddit’s finding that the average penis seems to match up to what people say they want from their partners.

Im interested in how big are we talking about and what is your ideal size. You shouldn’t take anything you see on that sub seriously, it’s full of bitter women and “queens”. AmateurCommunity Your penis is more than fine man, you’re above average. Can’t say the same about mine, but that didn’t stop me. How penis length measured up in the Reddit survey.

I’m young, inexperienced, and very insecure about my dick size, but after I made a few posts and some women responded I sort of got better. To be honest I continued to look at different places to get different opinions and I stumbled upon a female dating strategy. That place is like hell, women there seem so jaded and I can get why. The thing is they seem honest and don’t really care about other’s opinions. There was a really recent post about big dicks and makes me feel worthless, all of the women there confirmed my suspicion.

Reddit Study on Ideal Penis Size Surprisingly Consistent With Science

All of them praised big dicks, talked about how inadequate even average dick’s are and how good 8 and 9 inches are and I’m sitting here with my 6.2 in length and 3.7 in girth thin penis. Honestly, everything said to me so far seems like a feel better lie. If only 3-4 inches of the vagina have nerve endings why are big dicks preferable. Why does r/ smalldickproblems exist and why is it so miserable there?

They stay solo for their entire lives. Also, my dick is a marker, so the girth thing Is my problem. I think it’s funny how the world still measures their dick sizes and compares them. Like we got toys and other stuff to help with the orgasms and it shouldn’t be to big of an issue if you’re large, medium, or small.

Do women lie about dick size? I saw a recent post on female dating strategy and it breaks my heart

Although yeah obiouvsly bigger is better and its gonna be a lot easier for you. I know because me and a friend were banging a girl and he had a bigger dong and she moaned harder for him. We also have toys for men, but we still prefer real women.

Do women lie about dick size? I saw a recent post on female dating strategy and it breaks my heart

They are going to attract men who think and act like them. Just like the partners they attract will have. Obviously when anyone says “tight matters” or “vagina size matters” they absolutley lose their minds.

Vaginas vary just as much in size and shape as all other body parts. Some fully aroused vaginas are naturally smaller/tighter. Some fully aroused vaginas are naturally larger/looser. That’s just the natural variation we see with all body parts. Sure women and we as society could do a bit more to not focus so much on this issue.

I’ve been hearing about body positivity for a while now, but there is nothing positive about a small dick. It is inferior to a big dick in every way, making you an inferior, lesser male. The only reason women would date a guy with a small dicks seems to be either money or she doesn’t have other options for some reason. All women are size queens off the internet. And yes you can compensate, but so can the big guy.

Reddit Study on Ideal Penis Size Surprisingly Consistent With Science

Penis size is a common cause of worry for anyone who’s unsure of their own body or is trying to determine how they fit into the grand scheme of things. There will always be people like them out there, but please do not think they’re the majority just because they are the loudest. There are also a lot of awful men who have similar feelings towards women’s looks, but there are also very good men out there.